荷蘭爵士 Again!!!! Wouter Hamel!!!


'cause life just feels so breezy
so comfortable and easy
this sad and sullen winter night seems tropical and bright
like champagne coloured drops of neon light
( Breezy by Wouter Hamel)

不過 聽廣播聽到了 讓人非常舒服的聲音
就是荷蘭爵士歌手 Wouter Hamel~~~

不過 我那時候在瘋 Room11....

算啦 我現在來推薦
最近聽的是 Breezy

When jody smiles the room lights up with fine white stardust
and limelight seems to beam out of her eyes
she doesn't seem to notice but she doesn't need to
she's had her share of compliments and lies

(she says) come turn off your radio and let's go dancing
we're far too young to sit at home all night
what's the use of sleeping when we're in this city
that tries to stay awake with all its might

'cause life just feels so breezy
so comfortable and easy
this sad and sullen winter night seems tropical and bright
like champagne coloured drops of neon light

these streets are paved with melodies and treasured pleasures
let's make the snowflakes melt before they fall
no agonizing painful hardships left to conquer
no traumatizing childhood to recall

come turn off your radio and let's go dancing
there's far too much to see to stay inside
what's the use in sleeping when the world could crumble
so just sit back and please enjoy your ride

'cause life just feels so breezy
so comfortable and easy
this sad and sullen winter night seems tropical and bright
like champagne coloured drops of neon light

when jody smiles the room lights up with fine white stardust


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